( 10 sec. grease music )
Do you remember this iconic film? Leather jackets and high-waisted jeans, Grease to mark a whole generation, it is an integral part of American culture.
And of course this iconic dance step by John Travolta.
(Dance video)
Just like the drive in,
You know,
These open-air cinemas, where everyone comes with their car to watch a film.
We'd arrive in a Cadillac and hope to share a chewgum in the back seat with our John Travolta Low cost.
I don't think I'm teaching you anything
Except if you live in a cave
And this is to your credit
But we have been living this global pandemic for a year now.
So no more gatherings
No more dating at the movies with a date tinder who pretends to yawn to put his hand on your shoulder.
No more endless hours at the restaurant with the same date that you have nothing to talk about,
The sound of the cutlery against the plate is also nice.
If there's one certainty in this world of blur, it's that going back to the cinema is not for tomorrow...
A cult element of pop culture: will drive-in cinemas make a comeback? Everyone in their own car, and barrier gestures guaranteed!
Culture has had to reinvent itself !
But not totally, as you have probably seen, everywhere in the world we see this forgotten image of drive-ins, (video) on the Place des Quinconces in Bordeaux, everywhere in Germany and in the United States.
Let's make a little history, where do drive-ins come from ?
It's an American concept, of a wire projected on an open-air screen, that the public can see from their car.
It was invented in 1932 by Richard Hollingshead Junior who had stretched a screen between two trees in his garden and put a projector on his car.
Smart !!!!
He even filed a patent!!
And he ended up creating the world's first Drive In in 1933 in New Jersey.
And this concept was all the rage throughout the United States.
I'm not going to lie to you, the French at the time weren't too keen to watch films in the back seat of their Peugeot.
But with today's conditions, the non-profit association "Drive In festival" decided to bring them back up to date.
And it works.
At the same time the Drive In's have their charm and with this period of time they need to relax and find a "Normal" life.
Granted, you need a car, so it's true that for students in the city, it's not often the case.
But hey, it's already an idea to revive cinemas.
And this is not insignificant.
So if there is anything I can do for you
It is to return to the cinema as soon as possible.
And above all to take care of you and your loved ones.
It was Alois on radio Red
Thank you for listening to me
Have a nice day