Raphael: Hello Stanislas can you start by introducing yourself ?
Stanislas: Hello, I am 19 years and old, I’m in a design school and I want to integrate a graphic school.
Raphael: Are you part of an association? can you tell us more about it? ?
Stanislas: Yes I am in music association, we organize music events. For now we have just organize one event.
Raphael: When did you create « Roues libres » ?
Stanislas: We created free wheels in mid June and 3 weeks later we made our first event
Raphael: Why did you called your association « Roues Libres » ?
Stanislas: It is called Roues Libres because it is based on the mood we had when we hang out with our friends. This is the expression that we used when we just wanted to enjoy our nights without any restrictions and total freedom. So we thought this was the most adapted name for a music event as it represents our universe perfectly.
Raphael: How did you came up with the idea of organizing events?
Stanislas: first, i love music and the atmosphere of party night and with my friend Raphael We were talking about music and we asked ourselves why not creating our own event with our own style.
Raphael: Is Roues Libres a project for your future?
Stanislas: This is Not the must important but if I have the time I want to continue this way and maybe if the project take a larger scale I will be more involved.
Raphael: What did you learn from this experience?
Stanislas: I improve my ability to be organized from A to Z, because when you offers a party
which accommodates more than 100 people, you need to be good at all the point. You need to be professional because you have a great deal of responsibility.
Raphael: we will now move on to the interview track id
What is the first album you bought?
Stanislas: Alpha lauren II
Raphael: The track you listen to over and over again
Stanislas: Hologram lo
Raphael: thanks for answering my questions, bye have a good day !